5 Reasons You Should Choose Dental Implants

Dental Implants VS Traditional Braces

Misaligned teeth can cause multiple health problems for the patient. There are many tooth straightening options available. These dental devices help the patient to smile freely, thereby increasing their confidence in society. 

What Is A Dental Implant? 

Dental implants are replacements for the tooth root. They provide a strong foundation for a fixed or removable artificial tooth. The tooth made is customized in size, shape, and color for the patient. Dental implants are no different from natural teeth in function and appearance.

What Should I Expect After Getting Implanted Teeth? 

Here are some circumstances you must expect after getting dental implants:

Minor Bleeding

Bleeding after getting implants is normal. the patient must bite down on a gauze gently to remove blood. The bleeding lasts for almost 24 hours after the surgery. If it does not stop after 48 hours, it is advisable to visit the dentist.

Feeling Numb

Local anesthesia is applied to numb the operation area. The effects may last for 2-4 hours. Patients are advised to bring someone to escort them, as it is dangerous to drive in such conditions.

Pain After Getting Dental Implants

The process of getting dental implants is a major one. The jawbone is drilled to insert a titanium rod. It is normal to feel pain and discomfort after dental implant surgery. If the pain lasts for more than 2 weeks, our dentists at Brentwood Dental Group advise the patient to see a dentist.

Swelling & Bruising

Swelling and minor bruising of the mouth and lower face area are normal. It can be minimized by keeping the patient’s head elevated. Dentists at Brentwood Dental Group advise applying cold packs and taking anti-inflammatory medications to reduce this swelling. If it continues for more than 3 days, it is best to see the dentist.

Avoid Hard & Sticky Food

The wound is raw even after a few days of dental implant surgery. Following a proper diet is the main point of recovering quickly. Patients need to avoid hard foods like chips, nuts, popcorn, and candy. These types of foods can stick to the implant and cause damage. Our dentists at Brentwood Dental Group suggest soft and nutritional food like applesauce, broths, yogurt, and oatmeal.

Avoid Smoking

Patients should avoid smoking for two months after their dental implant surgery. Cigarette slows down the healing process. It also increases the risk of infection in the wound.

Why Are Single Tooth Implants Better Than Braces? 

Gaps Between Teeth

If the patient has a relatively big gap between their teeth, it is better to get dental implants. Braces can help move teeth. This can cause some gaps, in the case of overcrowded teeth.

Remove damaged tooth

If the tooth is too damaged, due to injury or infection, it is better to remove it. A dental implant can be placed instead of the tooth. This helps prevent further damage to the patient’s mouth.

Replace Missing Teeth

Teeth can be knocked out of their place due to trauma, or accident. A dental implant is also used to replace the missing tooth. The replacement dental implants resemble the surrounding natural tooth. dental implants function like natural teeth too. 

Maintain A Better Oral Hygiene Routine

It becomes easier for the patient to maintain a better oral hygiene routine with dental implants. Food can get stuck in the metal brackets of braces. This does not only look dirty but can be harder to clean too. Dental implants are identical to the natural tooth. Daily brushing and flossing are appropriate for cleaning dental implants too.

Need Lesser Visits To The Dentist

Braces need to be adjusted and customized after every two weeks. Dental implants need about three visits to the dentist. The first is for consultation and the second is for inserting the titanium rod. The third visit is for fixing the permanent tooth on the implant. 

Get Affordable Dental Implants In Brentwood

Wish to get dental implants in Brentwood, MO? Our dentists in Brentwood Dental Group are the best for you. Contact us now to book your consultation, and get your beautiful smile back!

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